Tag Archives: money

The year so far…

2016 is off to a pretty great start. While there are some things stressing me out I think it is because life can’t be completely perfect. The whole point of life is searching for happiness, right? Sure there are moments of happiness and levels of happiness. For instance, you’re happy when you find someone you love, you’re happy when you get a job you like, but then you’re even more happy, next level happy, when you have both.

I have a tendency of being more negative than positive so sometimes it is nice for me to write why I am happy and why I am excited for this year. Sometimes when you read everything — see it there in plain sight — you learn to appreciate it more. Now I know November is usually the month to be thankful for but I already am so so thankful for this year and I know it’s going to to be a great one. Here are some reasons why:
  1. My health – I feel like I’m the most fit as I have ever been which is a bit unusual because I have been working out a little less than usual. I also think though my sort of “content-ness” with my body actually made me lose more weight. Sometimes focusing too much on working out and eating right stresses you out and you end up not losing weight but then when you kind of stop caring and just do what you like — it works out more for you.
  2.  My job – I recently had a great nanny job. I’m not a big kid person, I even consider myself the opposite of that but these kids are great. Unfortunately it is only part time and I received the opportunity to start working at another job next week. It’s a work at home and full time job, so I feel I can get more work done and save on gas. I am pretty sad that I have to stop playing with these kids but you do have to grow up sometime, you know.
  3. My relationships – As you know, December was a bit of a bumming month, I did some silly stuff and almost ruined something with a person I love. Fortunately, I’m a pretty lucky person and we’re back together, better than ever. Not only just him, my boyfriend, but I just have a great group of friends. I live with one of my favorite people, my roommate, and get to spend time with a bunch of other of my favorite people at open mics and shows. I never get sick of them. Sometimes I am weird though and get paranoid that I’m bugging them too much and apologize but they’re usually just like “what? no you’re not stop it.”
I think I just worry that something bad is going to happen all of the time. I’m not used to being this happy. I don’t remember if I have ever been this happy. So I’m just waiting for this bridge to collapse or something. When you aren’t used to all these good things you just expect the worst all of the time. I have to kind of stop myself from thinking negative and just enjoy it. Enjoy life and be happy because this year is going to be the best yet.

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Present and Future.

Having been 25 years old for a little over a month now I have noticed that I have changed my outlook on life a little. Mainly to live more in the present, but also think about the future.

Basically YOLO.

I always thought of myself as a risk-taker and I pride myself on it and I think my best life decisions I have made were in crunch-time. Going to Spain is basically my best life decision. I used to say Moving to LA but we don’t even know if that’s true yet and if it isn’t by December then…well…we’ll get back to that. I always jumped with the big but the day-to-day routines don’t include many risks to be honest and I want that to change and it has been.

When someone asks me to go somewhere. Go on a date. Go out. Go for a drink. Go for a hike. Perform in a show. I’m gonna freaking do it. The last month I have been doing random shit I haven’t done in a while or never done and I love it. As much as I love going on big adventures around the globe, sometimes the most fun are in your own backyard. I need to start living life. Now that I have money I can do that.

Though all of this present thinking has gotten me thinking about the future. I love spending money to go out every weekend but I love saving for big excursions more. While I will loosen my death grip on my funds to do more YOLO’ing every day, I have a future plan too. I moved out here for a reason to act. Now that I have a full time job this limits myself but I have been fitting stand up in pretty well. Though if my full-time job takes up my life and nothing happens career wise by December I am moving back to NJ…temporarily.

I am moving back, selling all of my stuff…well not all of it, but the extra clothes and furniture I purchased out here. I am going to use the money I saved to backpack South America. The one thing I regretted when I went to Spain and Portugal was that I bought a return ticket. Right after Spain I went to Lisbon for a few days and met some fantastic people in a hostel and they were going with the flow. They were going to Lagos after and I was pretty pissed I couldn’t. So I am going to buy a ticket to somewhere in South America and just go to Brazil, Peru, Buenos Aires, all those places. Just because I have always wanted to and I will have no excuse not to.

So that’s the plan. Live more everyday but if I don’t do anything this year I am going to see the world.

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Day Three: Realistic Christmas List.

While Christmas isn’t just about receiving gifts, you can’t really help but think a little about it. Also, I love shopping for gifts more than receiving them. But, everyone has their letters to Santa and Christmas lists are are a few items that are at the top of my Christmas list.


1. A New Computer – I used to love Sony Vaios. The one I prior to my current Vaio was excellent but lacked a video camera and I was about to study abroad so I had to get a new one to skype and such. I should have just got a video camera instead of an entirely new computer because this one has been giving me nothing but problems. I’m afraid I’m going to become something I thought I would never be: a Mac user. I really want a Macbook because I’ve heard nothing but praise and they last years. So I think it is time for a change.


2. A Camera – This isn’t a priority but it would be nice to get a new point and shoot. Nothing particularly fancy, just one with a good zoom and night shot option for concerts. My Canon Powershot still works pretty well but it’s becoming a little obsolete. If I don’t get one for Christmas I may buy one in the summer, but it isn’t a huge priority yet.


3. Money – I hate asking for money. Just because I feel like it is such an adult thing and a cop out thing to ask for. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I am pretty much an adult now and I pay rent, car insurance, need to actually pay for a new car, so I do need it. What can you do?

Those are my “big gifts” if I just get a new computer or money thought I will be content. It would also be nice if I get The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling, The Hunger Games on DVD and Men in Black 3 on DVD too. Just sayin’.

What are some gifts you are asking for Santa?

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On my Christmas List…

And a new phone…not sure if I want an iPhone or a new droid…any suggestions?

Probably other clothes and stuff too, but those are the few things I really, really want. How about you guys?

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